Saturday, July 18, 2009

angry face

i came home from work to find this angry face scowling at me as it was taped to the fridge...not your typical chicken or rooster or cow that would so commonly adorn the walls of a kitchen, but no, a black-masked angry face with stained glue dripping from it's under turned mouth. what exactly is my 5 year old daughter Alanna wanting to say?
and so i asked her, "honey, i love it!...but why did you do an angry face?" "I just wanted to make an angry face"...phewww. you never know what your kids are saying inside, and i believe their art is some of the purest form of communication - if this picture has no subconsciene spewing forth...and it is nothing more than an experiment of creating different expressions - then hey! i'm happy! and keep creating kid!